Jewish Practice [Posts from Previous Blog]

breadAs one of the posts intended to be a part of my Foregoing Fridays series (yet, with the impending winding down of this blog, I am posting it today), here are posts from my original blog about Jewish practice:

Snacking on Bread [30 January 2013]

 How One Blessing Over Tefillin Became Two Blessings [27 January 2010]

A Musing About Sukkah: Taking Sukkot Seriously [7 October 2009]

Thank God for Sleeping on Shabbas [16 January 2009]

Not Saying Hello or Greeting People on Tishah b’Av [12 August 2008]

According Oneself on Tisha b’Av with One’s Spouse [8 August 2008]

Not Sleeping on Shavuos [24 June 2008]

The Shulhan Arukh on How Much Time to Wait to Eat Dairy After Consuming Meat [15 May 2008]

מענה Your נפש: The Annual Hegemony of the Mind Over the Body [3 October 2007]

Head & Hair Covering For Women (Pt. 1) [8 August 2007]

Gender-Neutral Bathrooms: What is the Halakhah? [16 February 2007]

Counting of the Omer: 49 or 50 Days? [31 May 2006]

Bentsching Over A Cup [23 May 2006]

Passover Posting [21 April 2006]

Praying & Imitatio Dei [14 February 2006]

“The Host Breaks [Bread]…” [8 February 2006]

How Much Water Does One Need To Wash? [3 February 2006]

The Arukh haShulhan on Women & Tefillin [29 January 2006]

Women & Tefillin [27 January 2006]

Torah Lishmah [17 November 2005]

Three Weeks – Yeah, Ashkenazim Invented It [2 August 2005]

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