First Four Trips to New Orleans {Foregoing Fridays}

In front of the Audobon Zoo in New Orleans on my fourth visit to New Orleans

With my sister in New Orleans

Foregoing Fridays - Drews Views logoWith my upcoming trip to New Orleans imminent for the third ever TribeFest (having attended the previous TribeFest), I realized a great Foregoing Fridays post would be about my [previous] trips to New Orleans.  As can be seen below, my first two and fourth were on account of visiting my sister, who was matriculating as a university student there, while my third trip was on account of my being a student at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah and helping with the Hurricane Katrina clean-up.  And here are my relevant posts for this medium from my original blog:

Audubon Zoo with Sister on Friday (Part 4 of My Fourth Visit To New Orleans) [23 April 2006]

Tuesday: National D-Day Museum (Part 3 of My Fourth Visit to New Orleans) [23 April 2006]

Sunday & Monday (Part 2 of My Fourth Visit To New Orleans) [23 April 2006]

My Fourth Visit To New Orleans, Part 1 [21 April 2006]

Our Last Day of

With fellow YCT students in front of Kosher Cajun

Working (Friday 23 December) [28 December 2005]

Day Two in New Orleans (Thursday 22 December) [28 December 2005]

Leaving Biloxi and Returning to New Orleans [26 December 2005]

Arrival in the South [18 December 2005]

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