Jewish Events [Posts from Previous Blog]

IMG_1747As one of the posts intended to be a part of my Foregoing Fridays series (yet, with the impending winding down of this blog, I am posting it today), here are several posts from my original blogI wanted to post relevant Jewish events-related posts that have appeared on my personal blog that would be of interest in this particular medium.

JSpace beta Housewarming for AJWS [9 May 2011]

An Optimistic, Intelligent, & Poetic Conversation: Elie Wiesel Speaks with OC Rabbis [31 March 2011]

Tabling for Hillel at the ZBT Convention [16 July 2010]

Considering Basic Human Rights in Competition with Associational Rights: An Evening Conversation with Professor Moshe Halbertal [15 October 2009]

Yeshiva University Officially Opens the New Glueck Center [21 September 2009]

R’ Shafran, Sully, and Me [22 June 2009]

A Little Tanakh Learning: Yesterday’s Afternoon Gathering in the Neighborhood [24 March 2008]

Reception for Bloggers at the Jewish Museum [21 May 2007]

West Side Mikvah Dedication [16 May 2007]

Lecture on the Meiri – Last Public Lecture of this Year’s SBM [9 August 2006]

Derech Reunion Shabbaton 2006 [18 June 2006]

Yesterday’s Darfur Rally & The Holocaust [1 May 2006]

Canfei Nesharim’s Third Annual Shabbaton [12 March 2006]

President Joel Speaks to Mt. Sinai [5 March 2006]

Special Hanukah Service [26 December 2005]

Rabbi Sacks Speaks [1 December 2005]

Jewish Domestic Abuse Panel [14 November 2005]

Mima’akim Journal Release Party [6 November 2005]

Cornell for a Shabbas [23 October 2005]

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